Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Choppy Waters Last Week.. Smooth Sailing This Week

Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.  ~Voltaire

So I'm going to take a mulligan on last week.... Between ear infections, mystery rashes and crabby kids, this family was not up to par. (Ha two golf jokes, look at me!) We did have a few laughs though....
Hubby's School Carnival
Hubby was in the dunking booth for an hour. Sienna thought it was so funny but didn't understand why she couldn't get in.

Hello Shaved Ice! Hello Spray and Wash!

Scarlett enjoyed having those "healthy" thighs out:)

 Tangled Watching Party
Today was a big day at our house. The Tangled Movie came out today and we had to get it. Now a year ago I was very against movies and TV but I have come to realize that in moderation it is fine. It amazes me how much imaginative play comes from her love of princesses. As I type, I can hear Sienna and Hubby playing Tangled right now.
In my head I imagined her holding up the dvd with a huge smile on her face. Instead, she just made me look like a weirdo taking a pic of her in Target!

All ready for the movie

We had a little Prince join us for our Tangled adventures.
 So far our week has been fantastic! The girls are feeling better and we are excited to get back out and see our friends. I have a very good feeling about this week. I hope everyone has a fantastic week as well!!

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