Thursday, August 25, 2011

"Hi! This is Sienna!"

Every time I tell my mom a cute story about the girls she always tells me to "write it down". So Mom, I'm writing this one down. On multiple occasions now, I have gone to put Scarlett down for a nap and taken a shower or, like today, ran out to clean my car while Sienna is playing quietly. While out of sight, Sienna picks up my phone... I guess by pushing the talk button she can scroll through my recent calls and gives someone a ring. Fortunately she normally calls Hubby but apparently this is how the conversation goes....

S: Hi Daddy!
H: Hi....What are you doing? Where is Mommy?
S: Oh I'm playing, I don't know where Mommy is..... I am playing with Barbies.
H: Is everything ok? Can I talk to Mommy?
S: No she is not here. She is in her car...

Ok, so after after being outside for maybe a couple minutes I look up to see Sienna standing it the garage talking on my phone. Lovely! I can only imagine what goes through Hubby's head during these phone calls. So the moral of the story.... If you get a phone call from Sienna, I swear I have not abandoned them, I'm probably in the shower:)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hey Friends!

Hello Friends!
So I wanted to put down some thought and share all kinds of random pics that are piling up in my camera. First, deep thoughts:) A few weeks ago I posted about Hubby going back to work but really until this week we have still been cruising in summer mode. Hubby would come home relaxed and ready to party with his monkeys. This week, it seems, the teachers came back and jolted him out of summer mode. Poor guy is exhausted, stressed and getting home later and later. So today it's back to the full time homemaker, mom, wife and most of all cheerleader. As I hear friends talk about missing the classroom, or finding myself dreaming of ways I could produce something new to introduce to the craft world, I'm truly blessed to have such a valuable job. On that note, I'm off to change a toddler who smells and won't stop yelling at me....

Randoms from the last few weeks

haha! Nothing gets in the way of her beauty rest!

cousins painting

Scarlett's new camera face. So goofy...

Pretty Sienna about to go down the slide.

At the circus. So fun!!

Watching Sienna's swimming lessons

The cutest baby shower ever!!

Mama to be due in September:)

my latest nail trend. Its a sticker though now I'm onto something else:)

Something I'm going to try to make if I can ever find Elemer's blue gel glue...

Scarlett and her / Siennas remote controlled car... 

Take care guys! Let all pray that fall gets here before too long....