Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Choppy Waters Last Week.. Smooth Sailing This Week

Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.  ~Voltaire

So I'm going to take a mulligan on last week.... Between ear infections, mystery rashes and crabby kids, this family was not up to par. (Ha two golf jokes, look at me!) We did have a few laughs though....
Hubby's School Carnival
Hubby was in the dunking booth for an hour. Sienna thought it was so funny but didn't understand why she couldn't get in.

Hello Shaved Ice! Hello Spray and Wash!

Scarlett enjoyed having those "healthy" thighs out:)

 Tangled Watching Party
Today was a big day at our house. The Tangled Movie came out today and we had to get it. Now a year ago I was very against movies and TV but I have come to realize that in moderation it is fine. It amazes me how much imaginative play comes from her love of princesses. As I type, I can hear Sienna and Hubby playing Tangled right now.
In my head I imagined her holding up the dvd with a huge smile on her face. Instead, she just made me look like a weirdo taking a pic of her in Target!

All ready for the movie

We had a little Prince join us for our Tangled adventures.
 So far our week has been fantastic! The girls are feeling better and we are excited to get back out and see our friends. I have a very good feeling about this week. I hope everyone has a fantastic week as well!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

We Heart Spring Break

On the sixth day of SB my Hubby Dad brought to me...

A family trip to the Rodeo. YeeHaw! In true "deal hunter" fashion, I was super excited to find out that if you wore green (for St. Patty's) you got in free. Score!! We had so much fun. The weather was perfect and the girls got to experience so much. We rode rides, saw the pig races, ate fatty food, walked through the stinky stock yard and played games. This was the first time any of us had been to the Austin Rodeo and we were very pleased:)

The Ferris Wheel (before it started...)

Ferris Wheel (moving=scary!)

MMMMM! Fried Oreos. I was covered in powdered sugar but I didn't care:)

Pig races with Papa

She loved the little pigs

Fun! Fun!

I would not have gotten the pig nose if I knew Sienna wouldn't wear it.

Papa Pig

Ah the Rodeo Queens!

On the seventh day of SB my Hubby friends brought to me.....

A play date with Cedar Park's newest residents! One of my dearest friends moved to CP this week and we could not be more excited!! We can't wait to share the SAHM world of CP to Jil and Jackson (and soon baby Kinley *sp?*  in July).
Jackson sharing his snack:)

two of a kind eating their snacks (Pierce & Sienna)

Welcome to Cedar Park Jackson!!


Bendy Scarley

 On the eighth day of SB my Hubby brought to me....

A night out to a BEAUTIFUL wedding. I LOVE weddings! We were so honored to be guests at a great college/teaching friend's wedding this weekend. Hubby and I had so much fun getting dressed up, seeing friends, dancing and enjoying all the festivities. I am such a sap for weddings so I was so touched by all the love that filled the room. On a side note, I was a little embarrassed when I realized that I matched the bridesmaids exactly. We kept joking that I was part of the wedding party. Nice!
Congrats L & C!!!

The Koller's got Fancy...

Hubby doing the robot with his mini dance partner:)

college buddies (notice the blue bridesmaid dress)

And on the ninth day of SB my Hubby brought to me....


A relaxing day of hanging out. My sis just moved into a new house so I went over to help her hang decorations and Sienna went to the movies with her Mimi and Pop. We all just tried to relax in preparation for a bumpy start to the week. I know the girls are going to wake up ready to party and I will have to burst their bubble by going back to our normal routines. If tonight's marathon bedtime battle was any indicator, I think the girls will have a hard time post Spring Break. That being said, I love Spring Break! What fun:)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

9 days of Spring Break!

This week is Hubby's Spring Break (mine too) and we have been having a blast! It's pretty crazy around here with Daylight savings time wrecking havoc on the little monkeys and Big Sis seems to try all of her tricks on Daddy. Not that it's super exciting but this is what our week has looked like so far....

On the first day of Spring Break my Hubby brought to me...
A new yard!
Hubby:"Honey I got you a surprise at Lowes!"
Me: "Oh yea?" (thinking: Did he surprise me with curtains?" ha!)
Sienna: "Mommy we got grass!"
Me: "OH!" :)
This is what Scarlett was doing while they were working outside. She is pulling up. I'm in trouble!

nice outfit...

On the second day of SB my Hubby brought to me...
A day at the lake with college friends:)

Scarlett and Sweet Khloe. Hubby and I went to college with Khole's Mom and Dad (Steve and Karla)

baby wrestling

Dance party

This wake boarding helmet was Sienna's Dora the Explorer Hat

sis kiss

On the third day of SB my Hubby brought to me....
A family trip to the mall and new high heels for me :)

"                                                                                 "
A day of Golf for Hubby and Chucky Cheese for the little Ladies

"                                                                            "
The girls had a "Daddy Day" and I got to go out w/ my sis. I would love to share some funny story about the girls while they were with Hubby but he was super dad and kept everything peachy. Sienna did spill her whole bag of popcorn all over the floor in Target and said "I'm not picking that up..." Great manners. Hubby was great though:)

I feel so lucky to have Hubby home for a whole week! I'm sure the girls are going to think the party is over once he goes back to work. Well we still have some time. I'll check back in with the rest of our adventures:)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Negative Nancy

*** Warning: No unicorns and rainbows in this post.***

So many of the blogs I write are about the big white fluffy cloud that we seem to be floating on all the time but if you are like me you want to hear about the real junk that happens too. I get in a funk where I think everyone else must have an endless supply of pixie dust and I just have dust. So here is my junk....

Yesterday was no beuno! As a matter of fact neither was last Wed. Dumb "hump day"! Scarlett is waking up at night and staying up for hours so she was having a "Don't even think about putting me down or I'll scream and rub snot all over my face and hair" day. Sienna only knew how to say "No!" "I can't! "I won't" and my favorite "I'm busy!" May I add that everything she said was in a screaming crying voice accompanied by throwing herself on the ground, lots of snot and a few attempt to slam doors. So this was my day....wash and repeat. Fortunately my amazing Hubby did rescue me and if it wasn't for a trip to the bounce house in the morning and a dinner out in the evening, who knows.....

On a funny note: Last night when I went out, I went to use the ladies room. I don't know what I was thinking (or not thinking *wink*) but I forgot to flush! I walked out and realized this and saw someone waiting simultaneously. Awesome! I had to say "Oh wait I forgot...." EMBARRASSING! The lady must of thought I was a real winner as I laughed all the way out of the bathroom.

Now I'm I saying that I have a hard life? No way! I love my life and will be forever grateful that I get to stay home with my little monsters. But hey, I can still have a bad day. So here is to "Wine Wednesday"! Raise your glass:)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Highs and Lows of the week

So you know you need to get a life when your Friday night consists of a glass of wine, a bath, painting your nails and thinking about what you want to blog about that week. For the record, I do not recommend painting your nails after drinking wine and we'll just say that I'm glad my ideas stayed ideas....

That being said, because of some sleepless nights these past couple days, I have had a lot of time to reflect on this week. Above all I was reminded that God gives us a fresh start everyday. No matter how rough the day is you always have the possibility of 'the best day ever' tomorrow:) Here are some of our highs and lows of the week.

High: We had a fabulous visit with my Grandma earlier this week. The girls were so sweet and Sienna was very patient as we strolled the mall.
Papa's enthusiasm was not working on Scarlett

"Mom, come get in the picture too!"

 Sienna said "I wanted this my whole life!"

Random rabbit that lives in Papa's front yard

Low: My "mommy meltdown" when my Super Mom cleaning powers were no match for the speed of the Tasmanian devils. (aka Super Sienna & Super Scarley)

High: Smiley Scarley turned 8 months this week! She is now crawling everywhere and getting into everything!

High: We found the coolest park ever with Jenny and Pierce! We can't wait to go to Georgetown  again!

Low: Sweet Scarlett started feeling crummy this weekend and we ended up taking her to after hours to find out she has an ear infection in both ears. Both Hubby and I have been up with her most of the night. Now that she is on meds., I think she is starting to feel better but it's still so sad:(

High/Low: Because Scarlett has not been feeling well, we skipped a date night to the movies:( Instead we had a great dinner with Mimi, Pop and Aunt Jessica. Sienna showed off her dance moves, push ups and Justin Bieber singing skills.
Thanks Mimi for these little beauties!

I'm sure this next week will have many highs and lows but always memorable! One more week til Hubby is home for Spring Break. Woo Hoo!!